Another question! The weather stripping on the bottom of the upper half is not in the best shape. It looks like it is attached to the body with rivets. If this is so, how do you replace it and where can I get it.
Outline for replacing the roof gasket
Removing roof:
You need 6 - 8ft 2x4's
Cut 4 of the 2x4's to fit from ground to bottom of roof.
Lower roof on to the 2x4 blocks.
Remove all screws holding woven wood walls or pocket walls.
Cut wires form lower section to roof at vent pipe and unscrew vent pipe.
Remove all guide rails.
Remove all cap boards
Remove 4 cable bolts from roof.
Fish cable inside camper.
Lower tongue jack to lowest position insert 2x4 across lower wall between lower section and roof.
Raise tongue jack to full up position and insert 2x4 between roof and lower section.
Bring tongue jack back to level
Installing new gasket:
With roof removed cut old gasket off with razor knife.
Staple new gasket in place using molding to hold in place. (molding can be made from 4 x 8 sheet of aluminum cut into strips about 1 1/2" x 8ft)
Lower roof back on lower section by reversing roof removal instructions. Reinstall cable bolts to roof reinstall, guide rails, reattach wiring, sewer pipe, interior wall screws, and cap boards.