Yes, Elaine and/or Bill, if your outside CB is wired like mine, I would attach the positive jumper cable wire directly to the copper colored post on the CB. That will effectively connect that cable directly to the positive post of your battery. Then, the negative clamp of the jumper cable can be attached to any bare metal on the trailer frame, assuming you can find one. DO NOT connect the negative clamp of the jumper cable to ANY CB post! That would essentially be a "short circuit" across the CB and would immediately blow it.
As to the wire sizes, after looking at the wiring diagram again, I see the +12V charging wire from the trailer plug is only 10 gauge, which IS fairly small and probably matches my tow vehicle's +12V feed. The charging wire from the converter, however, is 8 gauge, which is a much better size. And, the power line from the battery to the lift motor is 4 gauge. (Smaller numbers indicate heavier wire.)
- Jack