I have been a member for a while now and have learned a great deal from this forum. is it possible for members to establish contact info for other members. ?
It may work better as an emailed list, something that is a little more private than hangin' it out there on the web.
Maybe if someone is willing to collect the information and compile a list and distribute it via email or snail mail, you may have more of a response, but not pasting it in a forum post.
Best way to do this is to send a PM {personal Message} through this site, when that user logs onto here, they'll be alerted to new PM, then you 2 parties can exchange information privately.
I have put easier to contact me information in my "signature" for some sites, I havent here. A lot of places that use this "BB code" let you put location info up in your avitar area. On some sites it behooves you to enter that information that way someone in KS, knows I too am from KS.
I dont mind giving out my name, general location, but nothing else should be made "public" because it "can and will be used against you" if someone wants to steal your identity, or flood you with spam emails
PS this is one of 20 BBoard sites I belong to, 5 of them I am active on, all of them it has been reasonably easy to exchange information with other users you feel need the information, in the manner I described above.
Still, I belong to Concours Owners Group, and they put together a list of members across the nation with contact info. It's assembled in a spiral bound book and mailed out to the members.
Not that anything that elaborate would be needed, it would be nice to have a list to be kept in the TV or TT while on the road.