We bought a 2004 17 t and it looked to be in great shape. Yesterday while the wife and I were in the trailer looking at what we needed to go camping and where it would go and the top set of hinges in the top door pulled free and the door was hanging by the bottom hinges. I took a look to see what would be needed to fix it and found that it had been repaired once before and not very well. I did some digging around and found out how to pull the door jam out and bought some stainless steel screws with nylon self locking nuts and some washers to back up the nuts. I want to make sure this does not happen again. Is this a problem with the trailers? The hinges were riveted in place and from the looks of it who ever did the repair did not use long enough rivets and the simply pulled loose. I truely hate shoody repair work. Normally it would not bother me but I only have a few days before we take off and the weather is not conducent to working on a camp trailer and I have a celebration of life to attend for a boy hood friend.