Itblu, What Sam is referring to are the panels attached to THAT metal tubing.
Both the outside and the inside are bonded to the framework. Once the windows are removed, you'll be able to see if the plywood is delaminating. This can be repaired in a couple of ways, depends on your expertise and $$$. Mine was very minimal so I used a spray adhesive with a tube attached (like a WD-40 tube). I spread the panel back to good adhesion, spayed between each layer, then braced a strip of 1/2" plywood to hold it together for 4hrs. When I released that, I was very happy with the results. I did, however allow that separation to dry out in the Florida sun for two days before regluing. I then proceeded to reseal ALL the windows. If your wondering if you should reseal those windows---DO IT.
2703 Tow Lite
2002 Escalade
Bonita Springs, Fl. &
Andrews, NC