I think I have found a way to lube the upper rollers on my 17t. While I had the door jamb out I found the location of one of my rollers and found how it was mounted. It was located less than a foot from my door. I have never paid it any attention as I figured they were hidden someplace deep in the trailer. So here is my thought pattern on this. With a long flexible tupe that is will fit on your can or a long narrow drinking staw you shoud be able to lube all the rollers with just a little flexability. First you will need to know where your cables go up in your trailer, then with your trailer partially lowered go to that area and feel around or use a flexable mechanics mirror to locate the pulleys, if I am correct they will be fairly easy to locate and relstivily easy to get to. With a small flexable hose you should be able to get to the lube points. Fill a small straw or small hose, like fuel line, with some lubricant and hold your finger over end to keep the lub in the straw, lower one end down while using the mirror to help position the lub tub and let it drain onto the rolling point. If I am correct there is about an inch or a little more between the walls and the pully axle is only about two to three inches down. I hope this helps somebody out. I know it had me frustrated but now that I know this I can do the job with a little help to hold the mirror for me and a light to see better with. Ford uses small vacuum lines on some of the vehicles, these are small and might be just the thing to get into the tight spot with and they might fit spay cans like WD 40 and they should be plenty long enough.