Greg, by the time the manufacturer or dealer adds an awning, Microwave, AC, 2 "empty" propane tanks with a total capacity of 60 lbs. of propane when you fill them, entertainment center which includes television, radio, CD/DVD player, and drop down bed from the ceiling (if you choose that option in lieu of the two extra cabinets), and power hitch, you definitely have a higher unloaded vehicle weight (UVW). The difference between the maxed out gross vehicle weight (GVW) and the UVW is the number of lbs. you personally can load in the Hi-Lo without breaching the GVW trailer limit, known more commonly as cargo carrying capacity (CCC). Adding propane and water takes away from your CCC. My UVW stated in the brochure easily went from approximately 4,700 lbs. to 5,150 lbs. when the Hi-Lo left the factory and no propane in the tanks or water on board. My GVW maxed out at 6,300 lbs.; therefore, I only had 1,150 lbs. of CCC for personal loading when the Hi-Lo was delivered to my doorsteps.
Summerville, SC