Oven Vs microwave
The oven is great when you are dry camping. Keep your vent cracked and cooking on the burners and or oven will take the chill out of a cold morning. Oven would be very expensive to replace. A portable microve is cheap compared to an oven. If you can't mount the microwave on top of the ref. then measure the microwave with the foam on the corners you will be able to store it in a sturdy plastic tote,perhaps on the trailer floor during travel. I am able to purchase gas bib liners and then slit them to protect the burners. Very expensive at Rv store. You should be able to find therm at Walmart etc. These protect around the stove burner and can be washed out several times and replaced as needed. I use toaster oven trays in the oven. These are the right size. Have a good longhandled lighter for the stove. and also a set of barbecue mits with silver on one side. We often heat a large pot of water to wash dishes outside on the picnic table. Two small wash basins come in handy,dish soap,assorted scrubbing pads lots of paper towels/micro cloth,shamwow. I learned the hardway to store my cooking oil in a sauce pan,a good leak catcher.