I can not tell you how pleased I am with this pickup. I had been looking for 6 months. We were headed to a family reunion and had stopped at Brady, TX. After exiting the café, my wife sees a sign that says "heart of Texas". She said if I would go over there and pose she would take my picture and post to facebook for the reunion. I have not even looked at the vehicles behind me. As she is taking pics, she says, "Hey, look at that truck behind you. Isn't that what you have been looking for?" Before it is over, I had worked a deal. However, being Good Friday, the credit union was not open. The salesman says if everything worked out he would deliver to us on Monday (day we are leaving for Colorado). He did. We hooked on to the trailer and took off. It has done great. Pulled strong and decent gas mileage. I would highly recommend.