Gary, exactly, there is no reason she should suffer in pain. Wow, she certainly did do a number on that wrist. A friend gave me some information which helped a great deal when I had Dad here recuperating from a stroke. If your dear wife is on Medicare, it provides for a practical nurse to visit you a couple of times a week to give baths and, if directed by the doctor, to change the dressing on the wound. Take advantage of that because you'll need a break from nursing whenever you can. The doctor won't volunteer this information; you will have to ask him for the services, and he will make the arrangements and sign off on it. Also, ask him or her for a prescription (which Medicare pays for) for a sturdy shower stool from your medical appliance store. She will be unsteady at the beginning of recuperation while on pain medication. The doctor probably has already informed you that the wrist wound must be water-proofed when showering. I had asked Dad what helped the most during recuperation, and he said that it was sitting on that shower stool and letting the warm water flow over his body; it relaxed his muscles. Gary, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and you and dear wife will be back camping again in no time. Get some help so that you will not wear yourself out; she will appreciate that you too are being taken care of.