The return line, or low pressure line of a hydraulic system isn't suppose to have any notable pressure on it. Which would indicate the obvious, that it does have pressure, enough to bust this line. So my question is why?
I've never dealt with this issue on a Hi-Lo. In most hdraulic systems, the return line is an open circuit back to the reservior. So, pressure bulid up here would normally be caused by a blockage somewhere in the return circuit, or lack of venting at the reservoir. Venting in a system like this is normally provided by a vented cap on the reservior.
I wonder if there is perhaps a one way check valve in the return line circuit? If there we're and it was stuck closed, then this wuold be the blockage.
The only advise I have on this problem is:
1. Hopefully someone here on HTF will share some experience on this issue.
2. Call Tom Stacey at Hi-Lo and ask him. Sometimes a little hard to get in touch with, so just keep calling, here's the contact info.
3. Testing: Test the return line circuit to find out where the blockage is.
Please keep us informed of your progress as many of us here on HTF are very interested in what you find, and we'd also like to help if we can.