fixing the corner angle
I would first remove the angle from the corner to see why it is not staying where it should be. most corner pieces are screwed on and then a strip of plastic covers the screws that hold on the corner trim. a good idea by campthewestcoast is to apply a single seamless strip of etrnabond under the corner trim,make sure it is clean before you apply and seal to the fiberglass skin, I would then apply the original trim back on, only if the area that it covered was of sufficient size to support the trim(I.E.not narrower than the edge of the trim)then cut excess of etrnabond off, an run a narrow bead of caulk down the seams of the trim, smoothing down the excess caulk and reapplying the trim cap/screw cover. I hope my two cents worth is worth at least 3 cents to you. best of luck with your breeze, it looks very cool!