Howdy Folks,
I'm wanting to sanitize the fresh water tank on my 2007 TowLite 1907T Anniversary Edition Hi-Lo, so I need to know the tank volume for adding a correct amount of bleach (1/4 cup/15 gal). I have the Hi-Lo brochure that quotes 30 gal. But, being a retired scientist I then tried 2 empirical volume measurements. I first measured the tank dimensions at 7" x 28" x 45", which gives 8,820 cu in, and calculates to ~38 gallons. I then filled the tank to overflowing, then drained it into 5 gal buckets and got 4 buckets, or 20 gallons. In conclusion, I'm losing my mind with 3 different volumes. Can anyone tell me what I did wrong, or to a reputable water tank psychiatrist?
I'm wanting to sanitize the fresh water tank on my 2007 TowLite 1907T Anniversary Edition Hi-Lo, so I need to know the tank volume for adding a correct amount of bleach (1/4 cup/15 gal). I have the Hi-Lo brochure that quotes 30 gal. But, being a retired scientist I then tried 2 empirical volume measurements. I first measured the tank dimensions at 7" x 28" x 45", which gives 8,820 cu in, and calculates to ~38 gallons. I then filled the tank to overflowing, then drained it into 5 gal buckets and got 4 buckets, or 20 gallons. In conclusion, I'm losing my mind with 3 different volumes. Can anyone tell me what I did wrong, or to a reputable water tank psychiatrist?