Lisa A Cromwell
I have water running from under my shower. What is the easiest way to access these pipes to find the link? It only happens whe preassured up by pump or water hose.
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Hi Lisa,
Not knowing what model HiLo you have, here goes. On all the models I have seen, the front panel of the shower (at the floor) can be removed by taking out the screws. This would expose the shower drain and water lines. If it is the water line itself that is leaking (hole in it), an easy fix would be with Shark Bite fittings and pex pipe from Home Depot. The fittings average $6 to $8 each but are super simple to use. Maybe you'll get lucky and it will only be a loose fitting that just needs to be tightened up.
hi lisa,
I would check your cone seals on the back of your shower faucett. If you put a little water in your holding tank,it will be easy to just flip the pump switch and the pressure is not as great as a city line.then start by having the shower water lines open, and slowly close them to build pressure in the lines and fittings. also on the back of your shower faucett wall there was a opening on mine that was inside a cabnet, but i have a 22l (88) depending on the year, how much it is used,etc. if you change one seal, change them all (bath sink,kitchen sink,toiler,shower) that is what i did and prevented future problems.also,it might be easyier to remove your toilet so you can manouver around. also, remember the towels. best of luck!
We just had to take the panels off the side of the tub .The smaller panel off will expose the bathtub plumbing. I always wondered Why we had such a hard time getting the panel out. Then we cut 1/4 inch and it fit in much better.Came to the conclusion that it should have sl. shorter from the factory.
Keep us posted on what you find with your water leak. If you figure out how to enlarge the shower, let me know. I have already ruled out a "tip out" showerGood luck with your repair.
Lisa, I have a 2805C and do all my plumbing and electrical work. If the layout of our two HiLo's bathrooms are basically the same I will if I can find out how to get to your pipes. I will see if I can find what your layout is here on the forum. and get back with you. There are so many different layouts for all the models that its hard to give advice unless we know we are working on the same layout. I had the same problem on my previous travel trailer, turned out to be the trap in the drain. Will get back tomorrow.
Hi Lisa,
If you don't already have one, most trailer parts stores have blow-out adapters that screw into the shore water connection. The two times I had a leak with our older Hi-lo, and couldn't locate them, I took the trailer down to the filling station, attached the blow-out plug, and while my wife held the filler valve onto the blow-out adapter, I was inside listening for the air rush. Both times the leaks were beneath the reefer.
Hi Lisa,
If you don't already have one, most trailer parts stores have blow-out adapters that screw into the shore water connection. The two times I had a leak with our older Hi-lo, and couldn't locate them, I took the trailer down to the filling station, attached the blow-out plug, and while my wife held the filler valve onto the blow-out adapter, I was inside listening for the air rush. Both times the leaks were beneath the reefer.
I have one of those, and an air compressor. Good idea.