Solar panel
My 15 watt solar panel maintains the battery well! Usually abt 12.3 Volt.
My factory installed panel was originally wired incorrectly at the charge controller (my charge controller was accessable at the refrigerator panel cover outside). My original panel quit on me and I bought another, which went bad within the warranty period due to moisture problems. Before installing the replacement panel I sealed it with a high grade silicon at every possible visible entry place. I spliced the wire inside the flexible wire cable cover (in our bathroom) so there would not be any wire splices exposed on the roof area.
My motto is fix it if it is broke, so I worked on the original panel and found a simple solder job in the end of the panel restored it. I now carry the extra panel for boondocking and attach it, with a charge controller, direct to the battery. I also carry a spare charge controller (made in China), as a precaution.
2004 27T
2004 Expedition