You can also plug it in to your cigarette lighter or 12V power port on your tow vehicle to see that your alternator is actually charging the battery in it. My new truck just has a light on the instrument panel that is supposed to light up if there is a problem. This little device tells me the charging voltage is 14.5V when I'm not towing.
When you hook up a trailer, the additional battery (and possibly the refrigerator) will increase the draw on the alternator. This device will let you know that the alternator is able to handle the increased load. If it's still above 13.5V, you're still charging things.
- Jack
Hi-Lo 1707T - Tire Minder TPMS on Tow Vehicle and Trailer, 300W Solar Battery Charger, Equal-i-zer WDH, Progressive Dynamics Converter, Fan-Tastic Fan, LiFePO4 battery 12V DC Electrical System, SoftStartRV mounted on A/C
2024 F150 Platinum FX4 3.5L PowerBoost SCrew