You can get the cooling units rebuilt (buy a rebuilt unit and send in your core) for $600 or so. These fridges are so much better than an electric only. It is worth it if you can afford.
Bad news is that maybe your cooling unit is bad. If it ever has been run while sitting off-level then you cooked some of the chemicals in the cooling unit. Too much cooking and it will stop working.
Cooking turns the chemical to concrete.
A fix is to remove fridge, turn it over and upsidedown and put it back in. This dislodges some of the concrete and it will work for a while longer, but will clog eventually.
If it is not too out of date then it can be rebuilt. The cooling unit is all the metal pipes u see on the back, this can be separated from the fridge box itself.
But, if the unit is hot at the heater part, then it should cool. There is no electronics at this point that matter. You could literally put a candle under the boiler part and it should cool.
1997 22L
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