First Practice Trip
Made a one night, first time practice trip yesterday. Only went 10 miles down the road to a State Park. Had some surprises. Thought I was going to 'get away from it all'. The park had about 25 spots around a small circle drive. The campground was full. Kids, bicycles, girl scouts singing, and one guy driving around the circle in his hyped-up golf cart with a stereo's more peaceful in my back yard!
Forgot to use my water pressure regulator. Noticed dripping from the outdoor shower compartment. Opened it up to tighten the tap and it blew right off the plastic pipe! Had to shut off water for the rest of the stay.
Closed the little pull-down blinds for some privacy. Happened to step outside later and discovered that, with the lights on inside, you can see right through those suckers. Need to make some changes there!
Did you all know that if you forget to remove those plastic chocks and drive over them they break into about 100 pieces? LOL
Still learning but overall had a good time. One more practice run then out on the road to go somewhere I actually want to be.