I made a fold down extension for our couch so it would be a comfortable flat bed for a adult couple. We us a blow-up queen aerobed and it works great. I stow the extension in the pick-up bed when not needed. Takes 5 minuets to setup and takedown. With your couch folded down decide if you have room for a double or queen blow-up. The extension I made is a 2x10 with hinged 2x10 legs at each end to support the extra width. In your case the extra length. The height of the extension would be so it is level with the folded down couch. We leave all the bedding on the blow-up when we remove in the morning and fold or roll up with the mattress after letting the air out. If you have any other questions, just ask.
Jim L & Faye
2003 Silvarado diesel crew cab
2017 Silvarado, crew cab 1500 6.2L gas w/ 8 speed tranny
central VA