sam just gave you the fix. Did the same thing to one of mine. Remove and disconnect everything inside. Remove the three (some units have four bolts) bolts. They are about 5-6 inches long. When all is done inside, lower the top, remove the A/C, clean everything, install the new seal on the A/C and re-install the A/C. Note: once the weight of the A/C is set, tighten the bolts until you squish (compress) it to about 1/2". Really, you need to measure say from the bottom of the A/C to the inside ceiling, for instance. Install the bolts (centering the unit) and tighten cross pattern until you have compressed that seal to about 1/2". DON"T use any sealant between the seal and the top! finish the install, turn it on to ensure it works. If in the future it leaks, lightly tighten the bolts again.
2703 Tow Lite
2002 Escalade
Bonita Springs, Fl. &
Andrews, NC