Front couch extension and access
I had asked PopRichie how his '95 215TL was set up for the couch and discovered that mine had been modified. I am very glad that the first owner did. I rebuilt his mod to make it sturdier. I will try and explain what I think was changed but I have never seen another Hi-lo inside. Thios allows very easy access to the pump for winterization or to replace the cracked water filter as I had to do and the fuses and converter. The back of the couch sits behind the seat portion now which works better for my height.
1) The top of the couch section that the cushions sit on was removed.
2) A 1" wide trim (I replaced it with MDF) was put the back and sides on the exsisting trim that the top sat on.
3) A 3.5" wide shelf (MDF) was centered on the front so that when slid out the 2 halves are centered over the front of the cabinet. I bolted L brackets for more support.
4) A sheet of composite was cut into 3 pieces, 2 to fit on top, with finger holes to remove them, and the other had the trim and legs attached to it to widen the bed. It has a notch for the brace by the door and a bumper for the wall near the fridge.
When pulled out the 2 halves are flat and are centered over the front of the cabinet.
5) I added a nylon strap to make it easier to lift the front part to slide it back and a 1" foot that supports the legs when it's a couch and flips away when pulled out.