New Member
My name is Gregg and I am a new owner of a 1985 Funlite Hi-Lo camper.
My trailer is in reasonably good shape but it has been used a lot and has had numerous modifications.
My questions are as follows.
1. My bunk bed was removed and a drop down storage cabinet put in its place. Are there any specs on building a new bunk bed? I can fashion the hinges and legs without too much problem. My issue seems to be building the bunk itself so it is strong enough and shallow enough to fit into the required space and still be able to open the cabinet doors on the front of the trailer when it is in the up position. I really would like to install a bunk otherwise this camper really only sleeps 2 people. My layout is currently 2 bench seats with the table located on the front wall of the camper.
2. Is there are a drain valve for the fresh water tank? (or do I have to pump out all the fresh water for draining the tank)
3. City Water Hookup? I know how to fill the fresh water tank but is there a way to hook a hose up for city water when I am at a campsite? Where is that connection located?
4. When the trailer is fully raised it seems to be an inch or two too short. How do I adjust the height of where it stops?
5. Did these trailers come with any stabilizer jacks installed? Or did they simply use the portable type on each of the 4 corners?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My name is Gregg and I am a new owner of a 1985 Funlite Hi-Lo camper.
My trailer is in reasonably good shape but it has been used a lot and has had numerous modifications.
My questions are as follows.
1. My bunk bed was removed and a drop down storage cabinet put in its place. Are there any specs on building a new bunk bed? I can fashion the hinges and legs without too much problem. My issue seems to be building the bunk itself so it is strong enough and shallow enough to fit into the required space and still be able to open the cabinet doors on the front of the trailer when it is in the up position. I really would like to install a bunk otherwise this camper really only sleeps 2 people. My layout is currently 2 bench seats with the table located on the front wall of the camper.
2. Is there are a drain valve for the fresh water tank? (or do I have to pump out all the fresh water for draining the tank)
3. City Water Hookup? I know how to fill the fresh water tank but is there a way to hook a hose up for city water when I am at a campsite? Where is that connection located?
4. When the trailer is fully raised it seems to be an inch or two too short. How do I adjust the height of where it stops?
5. Did these trailers come with any stabilizer jacks installed? Or did they simply use the portable type on each of the 4 corners?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.