New Wallpaper, Wood Stain, LED light upgrades, spider web body removal
Well another update of more work...
Also forgot to mention the curtains being replaced...
The body of the fiberglass camper is a pain to scrub by hand. Use a pressure washer with warm soap, when done use a clear coat protective coat, even wax or rainex is good.
I’ve scrubbed the entire body by hand. And nothing made it look as beautiful as last night when I spent $20 at the self car wash and took my time going over every inch of fiberglass body work with that pressure washer jet.
The wallpaper I’m using is a pain in the butt, it’s cheaper , thinner material on a amazon but it cost less then a quarter the cost of most stock on wall paper. $6.00 for 19 inche by 17! feet, I still have a bit of the first role I bought left and I’m nearly halfway around the camper with new wood grain wallls
Prep work took the most time, same with applying near the edges of metal window flashing etc.
For prep work I factor in my unit is a 1993 and it’s really old. My stock wallpaper was bubbling. Where it did that I had to remove it, then sand what was left over . I have a system where I use a nice hand made small knife to insert the knife into the bubble and do my best to peel the entire bubble off the wall and discard, then sand the transition areas from what is now just wood and the then the wall paper spots.
Gonna Finnish the wall paper and redo some of my wood staining , perhaps use some wall paper to cover some of the cabinet trimming
Can't remember previous posts. I used to have a 1990 HiLo with the wavy fiberglass. I used a non scratch scotch guard blue pad and bar keepers. It comes in powder form for about $2.00 at Walmart. This removed the oxidation and then 303 protectant was applied once a year. We ended up with extensive wall damage because we didn't know the importance of removing all windows and resealing with butyl tape and Lexel caulk. I love the quality in the older model years. Keep us posted.