Hi again, R & R. Where is cracked? It's normal for these things to develop cracks at screw holes, and once they start, they spread unless you stop them. And, that's easy to do - just drill a "stop drill" hole at the progressing end of the crack. The hole doesn't have to be too big, maybe 3/32" but you want to place it so there is no longer any concentrated stress at one tiny point. You can then fill the crack and the hole with caulk, and I recommend Lexel caulk, which you can get in white. Don't use silicone!
You can also patch the backside of the crack with fiberglass and Bondo resin, or you can do it with fiberglass and ABS cement, because I think the cover is made of ABS. Even if the cover was cracked in two, it could be repaired and I don't know where you would find a replacement.
There's been some variation in the front window in the different model years. Mine is a flat plane that opens (jalousie?), but more modern ones were curved and did not open. There may well be other variations.
- Jack