HiLo Club info
HiLove NY is the name of our club.It was started 11 yrs ago by our salesman at Mantelli trailer sales. We get together in April for BYO fine dinning. This year it was at Boehns restaurant in Batavia ,NY. Then we get together In Sept.at Southwoods RV Resort in Byron NY Look them up on the WEB. This is always the weekend after Labor day. This year we had a springcampout at The KOA in Medina,NY. Call Southwoods to make your own Reservation. Tell them you are with the HiLove NY group. We have a block of sites reserved aand have the use of a covered shelter. Fri. and Sat evening is potluck dinner. Just bring a dish to pass. Anyone that reads is welcome to join us. Just send me a PM. Our HiLo service advisor comes along to help out with minor problems/advice. This would be a great way for you to learn more about your Towlite. We usually have between ten to fifteen HiLos. We are a great easygoing fun group. We usually have snacks and wine tasting in the afternoon. Sat. morning is pancake breakfast,sausage,fruit ect. Bring something to share if you like. If I can be of any assistance to you please feel free to PmMe. I hope you can join us in Sept.