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How do you replace the upper pullies?
How do you replace the upper pullies?
I have a 2000 260TFB towlite camper and I cannot find the lock nuts to raise and lower my towlite. I need to replace the seals all around the camper. Does anyone have the location for the lock nuts so I am able to R&R the seals? Thanks
You did not mention the lentgh of your Funlite and I am not the expert on this type of stuff, but the later models of Hi-Lo's had torsion bar axles. If you have a single axle unit it might be more cost effective to replace the axle with a torsion bar axle. Did the other leaf spring break the second time the pulley/cable broke?I have major Hilo trouble right nowHeres our story....we went on a camping trip a couple months ago and our 1994 Funlite right rear leaf spring broke...which lowers the camper...which shredded the tire, bent and ripped the metal piece that the pulley is connected to and took the cable off the pulley track! Now the cable is on the wood! So yesterday we finally had time to replace the leaf spring and tire and it looked good to take to our more experienced friend to help with the pulley/metal welding replacement. We got about a mile down the road and the same exact thing happened on the other side! Broken metal/pulley, cable off track, shredded tire and cussing husband! So now I'm thinking it did it because the cable had too much pressure on it and probably still does! Should we follow the above cable replacement steps after having the metal/pulley frames welded and straightened back in place? Any suggestions would help! We have owned this camper for about 6 years.
We're wanting to prop it up with 2x4's to take pressure off the cables, winterize it, then wait til spring to fix it cause we want to take it to Colorado next July. I don't think we'll have enough time to fix it before it gets too cold here. Do u know how long the process takes and how long it takes to get parts?