hey yeah if i ever get out of this dam wc. cable system is prolly exact same i coul walk ya thru putting in new cables which i did in my post some right some may be wrong nt a know it all. lol check out my post (1964 i found free in a field) take old timers advice they gave me, replace ,all4 cables one at a time i explain in 1 post exactly how to do it but others have lots more info its just how i did mine sides or back shouldnt matter still same strategy if i can help more just ask ty if you need leds let me know 12vdc run off solar i have lots of parts rebuilt, sanded, stained my '64 inside put in solar 12 vdc-120vac variable controller took stove out hid it under counter it now serves to cook in summer heat in winter, put mini frdge in its place look at my post 26,000 views! lol sure may be 1 or 2 inches off left to right or front to back but who gives a rats arse cant notice it unless yer looking for it dont change yer living space! just read my whole post 9 pages tho lol tree clmber, jack and jant, garry, sam all help ya out but they all got newr models i aint rich as all them j/k
oh by the way making my up/down crank 12vdc also
ty mike