2006 International RE200 Rear Engine Flat Nose VT-365 motor with 12-windows 33-Feet from bumper to bumper with Driver's side Emergency-Door in the middle of Bus.
2024-2006 International RE200 Rear Engine Flat Nose VT--2006 International RE200 Rear Engine Flat Nose VT--33 feet from Bumper to Bumper
Exterior: 12-windows with middle of the Bus emergency door on the Driver's side.
Interior: Nothing professionally removed nor professionally installed but most of the seats removed with house-items placed inside that's not "screwed or bolted" in place but it's comfortable but not instagram-sexy.
Customizations: none
Renovations and Repairs: none but likely repairs will be applied when the money and Mechanic is available.
Tow Vehicle: Not a tow-option---perhaps to be added.
Favorite Camping Destinations: Never camped but would love to.