rich Aug 13, 2009 Nice Bumper DD, Do you like your Ford? I am thinking of selling my T-100 and getting a Crew Cabe F250 diesel, that way I can put whatever camper I want on it.
Nice Bumper DD, Do you like your Ford? I am thinking of selling my T-100 and getting a Crew Cabe F250 diesel, that way I can put whatever camper I want on it.
DirtyDog Aug 19, 2009 Hi Rich, Yeah I love the Ford trucks. You should be careful about there diesel engines though. The older 7.3 is good but the 6.0 has been notoriously problematic. Hopefully they will have a newer, better diesel engine soon.
Hi Rich, Yeah I love the Ford trucks. You should be careful about there diesel engines though. The older 7.3 is good but the 6.0 has been notoriously problematic. Hopefully they will have a newer, better diesel engine soon.
JA JA Jamesiam Nov 14, 2010 Is that someones reflection in rear cab window, a sticker of some kind, or my imagination?