Everything should be fixable. We figured we'd be putting a little work into the camper... it is over 20 years old- I was 14 when it was built :) Mike'll get 'er fixed up and we'll be ready for the next 20 years! Eveything else has been great so far. I got to give it a little test run this...
I can't wait to use ours! Just simple neglect happened here, and maybe kids that didn't know better. Otherwise a nice plastic curtain should do the trick for keeping water in the tub.
Agreed, after an all day deliberation with my roofing neighbor we have come to a best idea for repair of the "bottom of the top side". this wood member needs replaced on both sides of our 1990 Hi-Lo. We intend to remove the flashing underneath, and then start at the rot area and scrape out the...
last two pics of rot
Any suggestions would be helpful. I work construction but, I'm electrician by trade. Still, I can do this. I can't add the subwoofer and TV till I do. LOL.
If you have done this before, Can you help me?
MD and MS
Inside area of problem 2
Closer shot, the "Bottom of the Top Side" member is seperating from the laminate and the 1/8" wood sheet. It appears that the "Bottom of the top side" member is on top of everything in the wall. If so I assume this all Glued to the laminate?
Inside area of problem
This is the inside of the shower looking at the top of the rotted wood..... which is the "bottom of the top side" member you saw in the glide block photos. This seems to be 2 sheets of 1/2" sheets of pressed wood glued together.
Cable Mount Pulling into Bottom of Top side.
Here you can see the cable pulling through the aluminum flashing and into the wood. Of everything that is great about Hi-Lo's, this particular part of the lift design is less than stellar. I intend to replace all of these with stainless steel right...
Glide Block rot on bottom of top side
You can see all the original staples have rusted through the aluminum flashing. The wood behind is soft and plyable.
Need some advice before I start my repairs. Bought a 1990 Hi-Lo 22' for my princess, Great condition, everything works, new rubber roof, $3700. Get home and I'm looking over every last little thing now that it's ours! Find loose screws on glide block. Further investigation, wood is rotted...