HiLO Campers?
I read your post about wanting to meet other Colorado campers. I understand that colorado has a pretty active club and I hope you find some new friends. I'd like to start a club here in New Mexico but I'm not having much luck. My girlfriend Sandy and I would love meet some other HiLOers. Maybe we could plan a camp somewhere in Southern Colorado or Northern New Mexico(Great Sand Dunes NP, Sanchez Resevoir(great fishin'), Chama area, etc.)this summer? You can call me, Gary Kreutzer @ 505 379-3083. let's see what we can put together. I'm pretty well tied up most 3rd weekends as we belong to the Albuquerque Dukes Good Sam's Club and that's the weekend that they usually go camping. You are always welcome to camp with us!! Camp ON!!