Ok, Couple things I think are escaping me at the moment.
1, Why do you need to "heat it up" from time to time? I think you know what you mean, but I dont know. if your not going to winterize it, then heating it for a couple hours a day will NOT DO ANYTHING, camper loses heat tens or hundreds of times faster than anything, well maybe less fast than a garden tin shed. Drain as much as you can, and hope I guess? I prefer to use some RV antifreeze though.
2 you need to know that the "safety lock" only protects from the Hydraulic pump, or hydraulic line, or cylinder leaks and catastrofic failure of those 3 things, when top is FULLY UP. This has to be understood, the Hydraulic ram pushes a plate, that pulls on 4 cables, which in turn lifts the top half up. If it was not hydraulic, it would be a winch setup, like my last 2 popup campers have, that pull on a plate with 4 cables that lift the top up. When top is up the plate passes a "safety stop" that has to be released to let the top back down. this is only holding the plate, that is holding the 4 cables, as if in one "hand" or bundle. This happend on my old popup as well, plus one time I broke the cable going from the plate holding 4 cables to the winch, fortunately, I was by myself as usually my help would/could have had fingers in there, as trying to "help" me lift with an under powered hand winch...
ANYWAY, If a singe cable breaks, that corner will fall, and jam the top half
*usually* might be 4-12 inches before it gets wedged. If all 4 break at same time the top is going to the "stored/travel position" in a hurry. top was probably engineered to be lifted with 4 cables that were theoretically I bet at least, 4 times stronger than they need to be, but time and elements can weaken any item, especially when not cared/maintained.
Snow can be more than 10 times heavier than you think... if you havent scooped any lately (I try to do as much as I can with a blower and plow myself

) you might have forgotten how heavy a 8 inch snow is per shovel full.