Senior Member
You probably have listened to the national news about the black bear attacks this past weekend in central Florida outside of Orlando. The latest attack was close to an urban area in a gated community. After the attack, the wildlife people euthanized five bears close to the home where the attack occurred. This area is close to where Beach and I love to camp in the fall. It never occurred to me that there would be a lot of black bears that far south in Florida. However, the bears have just come out of hibernation, and their high metabolism just after hibernation is making them take significant risks to obtain food. Florida has some of the best campgrounds on the East coast, especially the state parks and private campgrounds reasonably close to Disney. If you are planning a trip to Disney or to the Orlando area this spring and camping, be aware of what is going on in your campground, especially if you are taking children. It seems the bears like to feed early in the morning and at dusk.