Tree beat me to the punch, Jerry. His advice about the date code is absolutely correct. Interestingly, everything I've read on trailer tire life says it doesn't matter if the tire is stored out of contact with sunlight or not. The rubber degrades due to TIME, period. So, try to get the "freshest" tires you can, when you get new ones.
I will take exception with one thing Tree posted though. I've never seen a trailer tire rated higher than 65 mph, regardless of its load rating. I don't think the speed depends on the state, I think it's built in to the tire. For that reason, I am very careful to keep my speed when towing to no more than 65 mph, no matter where I tow. And, when you think about it, your stopping distance is higher, your maneuverability is lower, and the potential for damage and injury due to the higher total moving mass is greater, so a lower speed seems prudent.
Anyway, those are my thoughts, and I recommend the highest Load Rating you can get with your size too. My trailer tires are Load Range D, and I inflate them to 65 PSI.
- Jack