The Converter changes 117V "shore power" to 12V DC power. It supplies current for your trailer lights, the water pump, furnace fan, etc., AND, it charges your trailer battery.
An Inverter converts 12V DC power to a simulation of 110-120V AC power. I say "simulation", because unless it is an expensive one, the current is not "true sine wave" alternating current. However, it will run simple house power things like heaters, electric motors, phone chargers and so on.
By enlarging your first picture, it appears you have a ground fault interrupted electric power socket on the side. You could plug a phone charger into that if the Inverter is on and charge your phone when not connected to shore power. It also might power other devices such as an electric fan. You would need to determine the Watt output of your inverter to see what it is capable of powering. The Watt output should be listed on the Inverter. Then you can plug things into it that have a lower Watt requirement.
- Jack