Senior Member
I recently had a problem with my bathroom exhaust fan in my 1994 Fun lite. I acquired a replacement switch and was going to replace it. When I took the switch out I was curious as to how it worked. I saw a line down the center of it so I took the blade of a pocket knife and pried it apart. Mot much inside the 2 wires have copper contacts on the ends of each and they both were corroded. There also is a copper "button" in between the 2 wire contacts this also has a spring in the center of it. I carefully placed the tiny spring aside and took the wires on at a time and cleaned them with the small file in my pocket tool. and then took the copper "button" and cleaned the edges of this also with the file. I took the spring and stretched it slightly to give it more resistance reinstalled the wires button and spring pressed the 2 halves back together and reinstalled the switch works fine. Cost= 15 min. of time.