Someone will correct me if I get some of this wrong, but I think it is OK.
Walls, floor, and roof are all foam slabs sandwiched (glued) between aluminum inner and outer skins. Yes, roof outer skin is aluminum.
Wall thickness is 2". I think the floor thickness is a bit more. Roof thickness may be 2 inches or a bit less.
Floor perimeter frame is wood. I think of it as 2x4's, but I'm not sure that is exact. If there is any framing within the floor slab (I don't know that there is), it will be wood.
Framing of the walls and roof may be wood, or may be aluminum. The switch from wood to aluminum was made in about the 2001-2002 time frame. Note that there are no hard cutover dates on Trail Manor construction changes. The factory made changes when it was convenient, not on model year boundaries, so in 2001 you could have had either.
A big concern is whether there were ever any leaks in the roof, including around the risers for the fans, air conditioner, center trim strip, etc. If water leaked into the roof structure, it would have worked its way down into the sidewalls and collected at the bottom. And if the sidewalls were framed with wood, the wood probably rotted, and now there is a structural problem.
I seem to recall that a month ago or so, our member Larryjb posted some pictures of an easy way to see if there is any wood rot. Larry, can you point out your posts on the subject?
I'm not too worried about the sun, except for the normal deterioration it would do to tires, curtains, caulking, etc.
EDIT Try post #10 here