Picked up trailer today from shed I had stored it in over winter. Had left batteries in with a battery minder all winter even though it gets very cold here. Anyway- before I hitched it up I raised it and it went up fine. Drove down the road to my sister's place and parked it to do a once over before hauling it 40 miles to where i live. Absolutely NOTHING when I flipped the master to raise it and no 12 volt anywhere in the cabin when I checked that. And then there was 12v.... and then there wasn't. My brother-in-law was standing there wanting me to check a "breaker" and I said "I've offered advice to people a dozen times when they have this problem but I've never had it myself. It has got to be 12v problem not a breaker problem". Of course, with the top down I didn't have access to my battery posts so what to do? Fortunately, I DO have access to the manual pump lever with the first battery box flap up----and I was able to pump it high enough to get the rest of the door open to hook up cables from one of those portable battery-jumper/ mini-compressor units I got at Costco. It went right up. Checked with multi-meter and I was at 12.4-which isn't perfect but the batteries were obviously charged. There were a few loose connections and I am assuming that initial trip down the road was enough to make the connections bad. It was kind of exciting as I had never used the pump before. I'm glad to know my advice was helpful to myself.