HI Lo Camper for Sale Moon PA

Slight Water Damage and Phone Number, Address

Would you have pictures of the slight water damage so that we could get an estimate on the repair costs?
Do you have a floor plan? The pictures show a shower and the 19 foot 1999 towlite brochure does not show a shower on the floor plan? Do you know if you had it modified?
What kind of a roof does it have - all aluminum or rubberized or some other type? This information might be useful in preventing future water damage.
Was it stored in a garage or is it too high and stored outside? If stored outside, did you use a tarp/tent or just let it be fully exposed?
Are you the original owners or are you the second or third owners? The posting gives no information.
Do you have a registration with the State of Pennsylvania that shows that you own it and can have the ownership transferred? or did you acquire it in such a way that you do not have registration papers?
Thank you,
David Gibson
(703) 991-9020 (Leave a message if you do not have caller id, we do not answer the phone with unidentified callers)
HiLo for sale

Scribe you ask alot of good questions. Looking at the craigs list pictures I can see the water damage on the interior ceiling. My guess is that the roof and interior ceiling need to be replaced. It is a camper for a handy person that has the time and talent $ to do this repair. On the other hand the price is right. You couldn't even buy all the appliances/interior for this price.
Scribe you ask alot of good questions. Looking at the craigs list pictures I can see the water damage on the interior ceiling. My guess is that the roof and interior ceiling need to be replaced. It is a camper for a handy person that has the time and talent $ to do this repair. On the other hand the price is right. You couldn't even buy all the appliances/interior for this price.

Thank you. I have a good bit of arthritis and so a “fixer upper” is, unforrtunately, not for me. Otherwise, if the questions are answered properly, it might be a good deal for a handy-man without arthritis. I need one that my wife and I can live in for several months while visiting our son in the South so a fixer upper is out.

Walk in His Peace,
Scribe With a Stylus

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