I got some less-expensive LED lights yesterday, and thought I'd post a couple of pictures of the trial installation. These LED modules have 4 LEDs per module, and cost about $3 each module. Each module is encapsulated in plastic, so should stand up to RV use.
The modules that simply plug in to replace a standard 1141 light bulb would be even simpler to install, but the ones I've found are very expensive. I used 2 of these 4-LED modules instead, to replace one bulb in the bathroom light fixture. The 2 LED modules came wired together, so 8 LEDs altogether.
The first picture is of the fixture with the light bulb removed, the second is the back of the fixture. I used a blue "tap" clip to connect the ground wire (white) to the original ground wire, and with some minor soldering, replaced the original black positive lead with the blue positive for the LED, at the switch power outlet.
The modules that simply plug in to replace a standard 1141 light bulb would be even simpler to install, but the ones I've found are very expensive. I used 2 of these 4-LED modules instead, to replace one bulb in the bathroom light fixture. The 2 LED modules came wired together, so 8 LEDs altogether.
The first picture is of the fixture with the light bulb removed, the second is the back of the fixture. I used a blue "tap" clip to connect the ground wire (white) to the original ground wire, and with some minor soldering, replaced the original black positive lead with the blue positive for the LED, at the switch power outlet.
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