Advanced Member
My husband and I just purchased a 2006 27T from a dealer here in AZ. Went to look at it Thursday, along with our friend who is already a Hi-Lo owner (2003 27T). We were so impressed with his on our last couple of camping trips that we decided to have our very own. We've had several previous trailers, 19' Aljo 5th wheel, 28' Carri-lite (not sure about the 'lite' as it's dry weight was 12k,) and the 2007 Fleetwood Highlander Niagra tent triler that we traded in on the Hi-Lo. It was getting more difficult to climb into the bed. We're going to go pick it up as soon as our Equil-I-Zer hitch comes next week from RV Wholesale. Our first trip is down to Tombstone between Christmas and New Years, unless we camp out in it in our driveway before that! It has a couple of small boo boos, but nothing we can't fix. Set up should be wonderful compared to the pop-up. I know they say that the Fleetwood goes up and down in just minutes, but we found it took a bit longer than their video showed. I'll post a photo after we actually get it, but in the mean time this is the listing:
2006 Hi Lo Tow Lite 2706T, Travel Trailers RV For Sale in Tempe/Surprise, Arizona | Tom's Camperland NW Phoenix | RVT.com - 111456
This forum has been wonderful for info on this trailer. I've downloaded the 2006 brochure and just watched all the videos that Sting32 put on Youtube. Thank you for that.

2006 Hi Lo Tow Lite 2706T, Travel Trailers RV For Sale in Tempe/Surprise, Arizona | Tom's Camperland NW Phoenix | RVT.com - 111456
This forum has been wonderful for info on this trailer. I've downloaded the 2006 brochure and just watched all the videos that Sting32 put on Youtube. Thank you for that.
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