Senior Member
Just wanted to start my build thread. Here's some pics of the camper as I picked it up today.

Started gutting the trailer. Removed the furnace, stove, sink and faucet, eventually the fridge is coming out as well. Moving the configuration around a bit so I can have a queen bed in the back.
I'm also going to put the fridge, stove and furnace in the classifieds, for free, if any of you are near ohio, and need them, you can come get them. I plan on putting a 110 fridge in as the only time I will need a fridge is when I have power. I'm also going to put the sink back in at my wife's request.
Guitarman, to you and Misfit and all the others that are in the process or completed refurbs, hats off to all of you for your amazing accomplishments.installing a block off panel on the outside of the trailer where the fridge grate was, sanding all the cabinets and walls to prep for paint, and adjusting the height of the cables since it's about two inches off in total height. I'll be pulling all the windows and the roof vent and side caps where the roof meets the sides and resealing eventually. Not sure if I'll be able to do that all at once and then paint since I only have a tarp keeping the water out now.
Looking good guitarman. I sure wish mine had the dinette in the front instead of the sofa. I even thought of changing their positions but the sofa is too long to go where the dinette is. So it is what it is and I will make the best of it. Does your trailer have any toilet facility in it? Keep up the good work man!