This is my first year winterizing my 2018 heritage glen 282RK. I decided I wanted to blow out the lines and went under the unit to open my low point drains. There is only one port under there and it was already open! I think it must be for the on board, fresh water tank which I never use. Is...
We recently purchased a used 2005 Cardinal 33. Winterized her the other day, but had no luck finding a drain for the fresh water tank. Found this mystery tube at the left rear of the coach below the city water connection and the fresh water tank fill. I removed the cap and a little water came...
Hi all,
I have a 2014 FR Georgetown 378XL. There are three low point lines. Two are solid with 1/2" nylon caps and 1 is clear and has a screen taped around the end.
I would like to know what I can replace the nylon caps with, such as a ball valve type closure. Suggestions...
Additionally what...
Hi there.
I recently got a 2021 30RLS and am unable to locate the fresh water tank drain valve.
I found the low-point valves but I was expecting a separate, dedicated valve for the fresh water tank
I feel like I must be missing something obvious but really can't find where it might be.
I have a 2021 Precept 31UL and would like to winterize myself. Can anyone advise on how to winterize a residential frig with ice and water dispenser. Also, I can’t locate my fresh water tank drain on my 2021 Precept 31UL. Any guidance on that would be appreciated as well.
Winterizing Questions - Outback 340BH
Bought a 2021 Outback 340BH and went to winterize it. On the door for the water hookup there is a decal for winterizing instructions. It reads:
"Disconnect city water supply. Open all hot/cold faucets including exterior quick connect faucets. Open low...
I'm looking at buying an R-Pod 196 after looking at many similar sized TTs. This will be my first time buying a TT with plumbing (previously only owned tear drops). Everything I looked at besides the RP had one sewer drain point with combined gray and black (separate valves of course). The RP...
I cannot figure out how to remove the drain plubing from the black tank. It appears that the tank has a molded 3 inch pipe that is attached to the abs plumbing. A metal band was around part of it, but it is lossened and nothing really moves. Some type of black putty appears to hold the abs...
Good afternoon all,
Has anyone had an issue with the main battery losing voltage with the master disconnected? I winterized the rig and when I went to retract the slides they were slow so I got a volt meter and found the battery was down to 11.0 volts with shore power applied. This battery is...
I've drained it several times following sanitization, including about three or four months ago. Remove the cap and get drenched.
Today I removed the cap and nothing came out. The visible water level (through the tank translucent wall) was about 1/3rd full.
All faucets inside were open to allow...
Buying my first pup in a few weeks and it does not have a gray water tank, just a garden hose outlet. Is there any reason I should buy a special hose for this or will any old garden hose work?
I have a Forest River Wildwood DL 40FDEN. I would like to know how to drain my fresh water tank without having to run the pump to drain it thru the faucets. There is a sticker that says "Low Point Drain" and a white valve close to the tank but I'm not sure that's it. Any assistance would be much...
I tried to drain the freshwater tank in my Coachman Pursuit 29SS in preparation for winterizing and thought the drain valve in the picture (located on the input side of the water pump) would do it.
I opened the valve, water came out, but upon completion my freshwater tank shows 1/3 full? I...
I had wondered why my batteries were drained in a few days while unplugged and parked in my driveway.
I had seen a yt video by a guy who repairs popups and in that video, he said there is a 12 volt switch behind the refrigerator. I have not yet, checked mine, as it is under a rv cover, to see if...
We have a 2020 Salem Grand Villa 42DL and the shower is very slow to drain. It is not clogged but I don’t know what it could be. Any help would be appreciated.
Welp- time to use one of the new "smilies" :facepalm:
A double darn on me. Earlier this summer I took my rig with 2 brand new
golf cart batteries from Sams club to Lake of the Ozarks state park for a
few days of hiking and sight seeing. It was a good trip except it rained a
bit more than we...
I have a 2021 cougar 29fkd the shower I think had a clog I have checked the vents on the roof. I just dumped yesterday day the on command thing said it’s about half full. I have tried using a soft bristled snake and I get this brown flakey gunk that comes up out of it. When I drain the sink the...
OK, need yalls help again. Had a heavy rain last night. Sitting out front this morning and heard water running. Went around to the back side of our 2017 38EL and looked underneath. Just forward of the kitchen slide and wheels, there are 2 plastic lines. One is blue with a valve and the other...
My 2019 Wildcat 31BH has an outdoor leveler panel and the one control panel inside. The outdoor panel has a red light ( for the second time in 3 months), the one control panel is stating that my battery is low (8.85v). The first time this happened in July 2021, I bought a new battery (deep cycle...
Looking for positive suggestions, Please just good ways to help my problem.
I have had this Motorhome 2 years and have broken the "bracket" that holds the Sink Grey tank pipe that goes under the motorhome. This last time was on a really bad Interstate in Colorado where the RV was really...
It just started doing this after living full time late in 2018. Easy to clean, but odd it just started out of the blue. Anyone else have experience with this?
We went on a camping trip for over a week with no issues at all. Came home and parked the camper and in just a couple of weeks the battery is flat. I charged it up and turned off the master switch and dead battery again. Turns out the master switch don't turn everything off. Any ideas what could...
I have been out for the last 3 nights and this morning the kitchen sink did not drain. I don't think the gray tank was full but as sensors seem to show full when the tank is only half full I really don't know. I dumped the gray tank and it drained and is working again. Any ideas what this...