I have a 2019 Dynamax Isata 3. I've been living in it full time since September mostly in North Carolina.
Two of three vent fans are starting to behave erratically. By that I mean they just start up automatically! I was able to turn them off w/the remote but it would just reopen and startup...
I have a 2006 Itasca Sunova 26P and for a while now the heater/AC switch on the dash only goes off or high. I replaced the switch with a new one from Winnebago parts but no change. I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions regarding this. Thanks.
Just had a Sealtech pressure tested last week, and no leaks. BUT 3 days later found water dripping into the bathroom from the fan. It was raining a lot.
Found that the original Dicor seal around the fan housing detached from the plastic shroud. It did not show leak on the pressure test, I...
Does anyone know if there's 12v wiring at the bunkhouse vent in a Sandpiper 3440BH? I'd like to swap out the vent for a fan and not have to go fishing for power.
Drove my 2021 Berkshire 34B the other day and the AC condenser fan kept cycling on and off. It would turn on every 45 seconds and shut of after 30 seconds. It didn't matter if I was idling or at freeway speed, it cycled on and off like clockwork. While at idle, the RPM jumped up from 800 to 1200...
Have 2021 View 24D, the unit starts then get the beeping/green light and it shuts down. Have done the full power down and wait 5 minutes and still does the same thing. Factory LiPo batteries, good voltage, does it shore or house power. Lots of talk of voltage sensitivity and circuit boards but...
I Removed my A/C and put a Maxxair Vent fan in its place.
I just gotta wire it up inside.
I'll be using the plug socket for the pushout clip on light to power the fan and I'll use the track that the A/C electrical wire ran through to run the fan wires through to the socket.
I'll add more...
Hello everyone. Happy to join the forum and learn from the collective knowledge of you all. Just purchased a 2015 Primetime Avenger 17 ATI and looking forward to a lot of camping in the new year.
Hello Forest River community. This is my first post and I wanted to share with the community what I found and how I found out how to repair my ever chill refrigerator. I had tried and read all forums suggestions that I could find that gave any advice on how to get my refrigerator to start...
This last camping trip ceiling lights and fan were working until the 2nd day when all of a suddent they stopped. I have checked the 10 amp fuse and it looks good. I know there is a switch behind the fabric valence which activates that circuit when the Aframe is opened up and turns it off when...
Hi there
Noticed on my 2019 Epro 19FBS the fan on the refrigerator suddenly does not want to cycle off which in turn is pulling the battery down while boondocking. Read some threads where the fans are needed on units in the slide to pull heat away. This one is on the rear wall though and two...
Just picked up a 2021 Sunseeker classic and am wondering if the vent over the bed is prewired for either a second AC, or installing a second exhaust fan, IE: Fantastic Fan?
Hi. I have a 2020 Columbus 366rl with the optional 13,500 air conditioner in the master bedroom. Like most forward bedroom fifth wheels, the bedroom is higher than the rest of the coach snd since heat rises, it gets pretty warm in there. I want to install a Fantastic Fan in the ceiling. Forest...
turned the control to furnace ,furnace fan did not run but main fan did ? . anyone have any idea why ? the furnace has been giving trouble for a while i.e. would not start but the furnace fan would .replaced overheat sensor and sail switch no luck. but now furnace fan does not run .
Hey all,
I keep my trailer plugged in at home and usually leave the MaxxAir fans on during the summer to try and keep the trailer a little cooler inside.
We packed up to leave on Friday and one of the fans wouldn't turn off. I ended up taking it apart while it was running and just unplugged...
During hot weather, fridge doesn't cool down on gas. Fridge is in the high 40s, low 50s. Freezer is in the 20 - 30s. Awning is shading RV side. The vent fan runs continuously and is noisy. Tried to access fan from upper vent cover (side of slide) but can't see below or remove the baffle...
Traveling this past month over some very rough highways in the Northeast in a 2014 Vista 35F. We have 3 roof vent fans (2 bathroom and 1 living area) and at our last overnight spot we found that none are working. On the Facebook page for Winnebago owners I was told to follow the wiring and check...
I have a 16 foot Jayco Feather trailer. My converter is WFCO Model WF-8735P.
For some reason my converter fan won't quit running. I have two brand new Group 27 batteries that don't need charging. To make sure the converter fan wasn't running because it was constantly charging the batteries...
Solved. But I'm not sure I'm happy with the solution.
Original post:
This is odd. I took the inside screen off my Fantastic fan (model 1250) to clean it, and when I put it back, the fan won't work. Remove the screen, fan works fine. Even tucking in one part of it (opposite the pull-down)...
So we camped most of this summer without using the AC since it was chilly most nights. If we don’t have fans in we get condensation in the bunks. It seemed wasteful to have to vent fans on and the heater on. We have these bunk fans but they sound like jet engines and don’t move much air. Anyone...
I have a 2004 Itasca Sunova 27C P32 Workhorse chassis with the GM 4L85e transmission. I have a single 16" transmission cooling fan FASCO 12V 2809-851-004 030-00110 mounted in front of the condensor. I noticed the fan motor was running but the fan blade was not moving. I removed...