Hello! We recently purchased a 35’ International bus and are looking for a place to store it while we work on the conversion.
Any advice on how to find a place?
We live in Flagstaff, Arizona and would be willing to pay to park and be able to use electricity while doing the build.
Thank you
So we have had problems with the switch on our a frame. The last time, last summer we were checking it out before going to the beach. The switch was dead. Called our local dealer ( 1 hour away) and he said part was back ordered. So we had to cancel trip and got no refund😩
We decided to sell...
HELLO ALL - I am in the process of purchasing the above listed hybrid. My brother in law and sister looked it over so I sent them the money to purchase it for me tomorrow. I have read a lot of the threads listed. The canvas and everything in the unit is in working order and was tested minus the...
Upgraded and traded in our Salem Cruise Lite for Flagstaff Mini Lite. Front kitchen/ spacious rear bedroom with a queen bed and lots of storage. Goodyear Endurance tires with tire pressure monitoring system, 2" hitch on bumper for bike OR honey wagon, tinted windows, theater seats with some...
Anyone happen to know the height of the top of the “A” of a 2015 Flagstaff T12DDST (or similar) when raised?
I’m trying to figure out if I I’ll be able to pop it up inside the garage in the new house I’m building, but don’t have access to my a-frame to measure it myself. My garage will have...
We're currently in process of ordering a new Flagstaff Classic and the dealer sent me this, as we were discussing options. Looking at the price on the left is that the dealer's invoice price, because that's well below what I've seen anywhere most seem to have an MSRP of $62-65k and up...
Wanted to get some feedback. We are taking delivery of a flagstaff classic 832bws this weekend and I was wondering, how much of a learning curve is there going from a 26 foot bumper pull microlite to a 37 foot flagstaff bumper pull. Difference in maneuverability, getting in and out of parking...
Just purchased a used RV and owner did not go over any of the operations with me. Mostly because I think he didn't know and didn't care if I found out or not. Anyway, got most of it figured out already (threw in the towel on the control APP), except for 1 switch. When flipped, nothing seems...
I was wondering if anyone knew where to buy a replacement door for a 2002 Flagstaff 206LTD? If not if someone has repaired it, my door is separated from the hinge. Looks like previous owner tried to fix but has come off again.
We are proud new owners of a 2021 Flagstaff SE 206 pop-up trailer and are looking for assistance on the appropriate sway control system for this unit. Our tow vehicle is a 2017 4Runner.
Thanks so much for any recommendations/suggestions.
Was thinking of trying to set up a Meet Up/Camping trip for Flagstaff/Rockwood campers. It would be in North Carolina if I were to set it up. I'm looking to see if there is any interest in doing this. If we have enough interest I will work on putting something together.
Moving to the 25BSDS from an InTech Sol Horizon. We really like the Sol, but the bed was becoming an issue. We have to crawl over each other to get to the bathroom at night, sadly we are at that age. So we decided we needed a walk around bed.
We were looking to order a 22FBS. Wow, the delivery...
WE are new to the RV life style. i have a stock flagstaff classic 832 FLSB with 2 deep cylce batteries. would i be able to boondock at least a couple of nights with this. my planned experiment is next time i am out not to hook up to the power and see how long and what i can use.