To Whomever wants or needs
weeks ago I picked up a lot of brand new equipment an electrician here down the road was throwing out when he got done with jobs.. he actually came to my house incognito , he saw it all, my listings on Craig's List and came here and asked me about all the stuff where I got it. etc. said he was gonna go to bank get 20 bucks for all of it, he never returned. he asked how long I was an electrician for. and stuff. lol
he didn't realize he was throwing away good money. in his trash can every night. I would stop, and 2 trash cans were full of brand new electrical items. he didn't use for home builds..
I got like 30 switches,30outlets, single pole, double pole, lots of single throws. mostly all tan left in plugs and switches weren't to many white ones. phone jacks, covers, cable inlets, and covers, etc.
12-14 male, female plugs in box, they are all gone from making ext. cords. everything was/is NIB , like 20 spools of left over wire, diff gauge/color wire. its all gone tho, every kind of box cover you could imagine, like 10-15 of them each. I was getting 1/2 inch round aluminum insulated wire 10-15 ft at a time. it was like the day after that there was no more stuff in his trash cans at all. I saw another dude picking thru it, like I was a few times during the weeks b4 this, after I discovered it. I kept having to beat him to it in the mornings, LOL
I still have lots of it ,I will send just for shipping. had it all on CL.
This ain't no scam I am a very honest man. I try to help people now, and always did b4 now that I survived stage 4 cancer, I realized what life is all about. it's all about how you have treated other people in the past and in the end. that's all it comes down to. it's all that will matter when you think you are dying! thanks mike