I pinned this thread to the top of the events forum category, so it will always be the first item listed.
Not sure what else you are suggesting.
No problem.
Did I skim the 2 PDF's too quickly? I didn't see dates for one thing, I just saw what looked like forms I send if I want to go. Ill go look again after I post this, just so I can look even dumber, lol.
then the other was that I assumed they might have website, or maybe Facebook or info webpage, for example about the get together. If they don't have one then I understand. My folks are a part of the Safari Coach association, which doesnt have a forum that I know of, but they do have website and stuff. IMHO this HTF site (and the hilo Yahoo user group) seems to be the main "information" site. this thread is all I have seen about any Rally... and I was Just thinking out loud, we have a lot, then some things we (as a community) are missing some things...
OK it is just dumb ol me.... But again, Here's what I see: mid bottom of page 2, there is the "IMPORTANT EVENT INFO" that I never made it to... Plus I cant copy and past from the PDF, so you are in trouble if I have to try to type it, lol, if you knew how badly I type from written documents, lol.
But IMHO, (thinking group promoting if you know what I mean...) Then the thread should probably be RENAMED to something like "2013 National HI-LO rally, June 10-14 2013" and featured on the default 1st page that loads when you open "" website...
and the 1st post should have this information in it.
What: 2013 National HI-LO rally
When: June 10-14, of 2013
Hosted by: Minne-Hi-Lo Club of minnesota (does minnie hilo of MN have a website?)
Where: Grand Casino of Hinkley Mn,
777 Lucky Drive
Hinckley, MN 55037
Google map for directions (Ill make a link)
Information: or more help please see attached fliers, or email (gail's email)
see what I mean?
Plus I cannot find "lucky drive" but I find Lady Luck Drive, wonder if that is it?