TooLong, who did you call, KOA or the person in charge of the rally? You and I both know that there is a date by which cancellation must be made for a refund, which date is a reasonable period of time BEFORE the first day of the rally. However, if the registration fee included your campsite rental for the entire three or four days of the rally, I would never have made that call to cancel, because you had already forfeited your money after the cancellation date. By not cancelling, you would have left your options open; after all, you had already paid for the campsite lock, stock and barrel. I am going to assume you called KOA instead of the rally organizer; that call gave KOA the opportunity to rent the site twice and make double the money. Instead, if you intended not to show up at all, the group at the rally could have used that site for gatherings or whatever. Please extend my condolences to your wife; losing a parent is a trying and confusing time.
One other point, we never checkout at state campgrounds when we have to leave early because of an important reason. If we have a day or two left on our stay which is already paid for and not refundable, we look around the campground for sites near us which look a little crowded (say a tent pitched next to an RV, etc.) and ask those people if they want some extra space by moving their tent to our RENTED site, and if so, we give them that site before we leave the campground. We do not give the campground the opportunity to rent that paid-for site twice during the same timeframe.
Summerville, SC
Hi-Lo Classic 2509