So after dropping off the trailer after the last camping trip of the year 3 weeks ago, we left the top up for a couple days so we could clean it out and winterize. Upon returning to the camper, the top had creeped down to the half way position. 
The top would go up all the way just fine, but lowering again it would cause it to stop in the exact same position. Now I remember hearing about some safety bar type device that would prevent the top from creeping down past a certain point, so wtf???
Up the top went so we could do our cleaning, and I trip over a 3" tall lump in the floor.
The top stayed up two weeks without budging an inch.
Today I jacked the whole thing up and crawled under only to find that the safety bar was actually being rammed upward into the floor causing the lump. The small bit of metal that held the safety bar in place broke from it's very small spot welds then curled up under itself.
So now I have a 12" square hole in the floor of my camper and a useless safety bar. Based on the poor quality spot welds I would say ALL Safety bars are useless. At least the top is now down for the winter and everything else can wait until spring.
The top would go up all the way just fine, but lowering again it would cause it to stop in the exact same position. Now I remember hearing about some safety bar type device that would prevent the top from creeping down past a certain point, so wtf???
Today I jacked the whole thing up and crawled under only to find that the safety bar was actually being rammed upward into the floor causing the lump. The small bit of metal that held the safety bar in place broke from it's very small spot welds then curled up under itself.
So now I have a 12" square hole in the floor of my camper and a useless safety bar. Based on the poor quality spot welds I would say ALL Safety bars are useless. At least the top is now down for the winter and everything else can wait until spring.