Senior Member
always love /have loved hot pink!
my fav too! LOL
you go girl! 
yer welcome I LOVE looking at others pics of restores, gives me MORE ideas! as if I need them lol
makes me MORE work, but if I don't have the work or keep myself busy, its not all that good.
I have seen and looked at some restore pics on here that have boggled my mind. I don't know how some people have or do/ do it. I used to be able to be that way, but not now, unfortunately.
if I was only still young!
no Mr. or Dr. in front of my name
it's just Mike.
J/k it is Dr. Mike
I am a junior Gynecologist! still studying for my degree! LOL
I still cannot figure out how to put a pic album together on here instead of posting them on my thread? idk I try.
yer welcome I LOVE looking at others pics of restores, gives me MORE ideas! as if I need them lol
if I was only still young!
no Mr. or Dr. in front of my name
it's just Mike.
I am a junior Gynecologist! still studying for my degree! LOL
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